04. tbl. 109. árg. 2023

Iatrogenic femoral AV-fistula

Sjúkratilfelli. AV-fistill í nára

Jón Bjarnason1

Helgi Már Jónsson2

Björn Flygenring3

1Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Landspitali National University Hospital, 2Dept. of Radiology, Landspitali National University Hospital, 3Dept. of Cardiology, Landspitali National University Hospital.

Correspondence: Fyrirspurnum svarar Jón Bjarnason,

Key words: arteriovenous fistula, computed tomography, arteriovenous shunt, congestive heart failure.

The common femoral artery is a widely used for access in endovascular interventions. Various complications, such as hematoma, pseudoaneurysm and AV-fistula (AVF), can arise from arterial punctures with estimated prevalence between 1-10%. AVF is a rare complication with prevalence <1%. AVF can cause a hemodynamic change in the form of a arteriovenous shunt (AV-shunt). AV-shunts in the groin are usually small and asymptomatic but tend to be symptomatic with larger and persistent AVFs which can present with leg claudication or high outpute heart failure.


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