5. tbl. 107. árg. 2021

Cardiac Lipoma - Case presentation

Fituæxli í hjarta - Sjúkratilfelli

Ása Unnur Bergmann1

Helga Þórunn Óttarsdóttir1

Björn Flygenring1,3

Helgi Már Jónsson2

Ingibjörg Jóna Guðmundsdóttir1,3

1Department of Cardiology, 2Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Iceland, 3Faculty of Medicine University of Iceland

Correspondence: Ása Unnur Bergmann, asaunnur@gmail.com

Keywords: Lipoma, Cardiac tumor, Superior vena cava, cardiac imaging.

Cardiac lipomas are very rare benign tumors of the heart. They are usually asymptomatic and are often an incidental finding on cardiac imaging. This case report involves an 82-year-old female with a history of diabetes admitted because of poor glycemic control. An echocardiogram requested because of arrhythmias and heart failure revealed a tumor in the right atrium. Computed tomographic and ultrasound appearances were consistent with a lipoma and demonstrated a large mass in the right atrium, causing a significant stenosis of the superior vena cava but no clinical symptoms or signs of superior vena cava syndrome.

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