0708. tbl. 109. árg. 2023

Methylphenidate-induced psychosis in a young adult with newly diagnosed ADHD: A case report

Geðrof í kjölfar ADHD-lyfjameðferðar • Sjúkratilfelli

Ragna Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir1

Engilbert Sigurðsson1,2

Oddur Ingimarsson1,2


1Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Landspitali University Hospital, Mental Health Services.

Correspondence: Oddur Ingimarsson, odduri@landspitali.is


Key words: ADHD, methylphenidate, psychosis.

In view of the ongoing rise of ADHD prescriptions among adults in Iceland, it is important that doctors are aware that psychosis is a rare but at times a serious adverse reaction to such treatment. In 2022 5% of adults were prescribed medication to treat ADHD in Iceland. In this case report we present a case of methylphenidate-induced psychosis in a young man with no previous history of psychotic episodes who required admission to the psychiatric intensive care unit.


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