10. tbl. 108. árg. 2022
Sudden loss of consciousness in a previously healthy patient
Tilfelli mánaðarins. Skyndilegt meðvitundarleysi hjá hraustri konu
Brynhildur Thors, Helgi Már Jónsson
1Neurological department Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, 2Radiology department, Landspitali – the National University Hospital of Iceland.
Correspondence: Brynhildur Thors, brynhildur.thors@regionstockholm.se
Key words: stroke, loss of conciousness, basilar artery, thrombolysis, thrombectomy.
Figure 1: "Axial brain CT scan without contrast showing hyperdensity (dens vessel) at the top of basilar artery (arrow)."
Figure 2: "Coronal head and neck CT scan with contrast (arterial phase) showing occlusion at the top of basilar artery (arrow)."