01. tbl. 103. árg. 2017

Evaluation of a thyroid nodule

Yfirlitsgrein. Hnútar í skjaldkirtli

Thyroid nodules are common and their incidence has increased due to various factors. Systematic approach to the work-up of thyroid nodules is necessary to decrease overdiagnosis as well as over treatment. Applying the trifecta of history, physicial examination and high-resolution ultrasound (HRUS) as well as fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) with added TSH measurement is important in the work-up. HRUS is a central part in the diagnostic approach, being able to risk classify nodules and selecting nodules for FNAB. Systematic analysis of aspirates is necessary to simplify communication between cytologists and clinicians.

1Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Landspitali, Fossvogi, 2Department of Medicine, University of Iceland.

Key words: thyroid nodule, thyroid cancer, ultrasound, cytology

Correspondence: Geir Tryggvason, geirt@lsh.is

Figure I, Figure II, Figure III, Table I, Table II.


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