11. tbl. 106. árg. 2020
The role of sleep and sleep disorder management in reducing cardiovascular- and cardiometabolic risk and improving treatment outcomes
Má bæta árangur af meðferð hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma með aukinni áherslu á svefngæði?
Sólveig Dóra Magnúsdóttir1 Erla Gerður Sveinsdóttir2
1MyCardio, Denver Colorado
2Heilsugerðin, Sporthúsinu
Key words: Sleep Quality, Sleep Duration, Sleep Disorders, Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Cardivascular Disorders, Cardiometabolic Disorders
Correspondence: Sólveig Dóra Magnúdóttir,
Despite extensive knowledge on the importance of quality sleep for health and wellbeing, sleep quality and sleep disorders are commonly overlooked in both prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses. The aim of this review is to draw attention to recently published literature focusing on how disrupted sleep contributes to the onset and progression of chronic diseases, with focus on cardiovascular- and cardiometabolic diseases.
Diagnosis and management of sleep disorders are an important part of prevention and chronic disease management to optimize outcomes and improve patients´ health and quality of life.
Objective sleep disorder diagnosis is relevant to ensure appropriate therapy intervention, and for sleep disorders to be managed as other chronic diseases based on regular objective assessments of treatment efficacy.
In light of the knowledge of how short sleep and/or low sleep quality negatively affects the cardiovascular system, including objective sleep evaluation in the standard of care for risk assessment and management of cardiovascular diseases may improve cardiovascular risk prediction and improve outcomes.