04. tbl. 104. árg. 2018

Diabetes is a challenge: A ten year follow up of people with diabetes

Sykursýki er áskorun - Tíu ára eftirfylgd einstaklinga með sykursýki

Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic disease often with serious and costly complications. Therefore well organised diabetes care is needed. The purpose was to research outcome of treatment on biological parameters in people with type one and two diabetes in one primary care over ten years and compare with international guidelines.

Material and methods: Retrospective cohort study, information was gathered from medical records at Sudurnes Health Center, in the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. The sample was persons listed in diabetes unit in beginning of 2005. One measurement for every participant each of the three years was used (n=113). Biological parameters were analysed and compared to international guidelines and attendance to clinic examined.

Results: HbA1c level was 7.22% in 2005 but increased significantly to 7.56% in 2015. Diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly to 2015. Most achieved international guidelines in HbA1c goals in 2005 (51%), HDL in 2010 (43.8%), LDL in 2015 (41.9%) TG, in 2010 (79.8%), BMI in 2015 (44.2%), systolic blood pressure in 2010 (63.4%) and diastolic blood pressure in 2015 (74.2%). BMI was around 32 kg/m² in all three years. In 2015, association was found between neuropathic symptoms and higher HbA1c level. Documentation regarding diabetes complications became much better in 2015 when a new form for electronic documentation was launched.

Conclusion: Tighter blood glucose control is needed to lessen risk of complications, as well as to reduce lipid and blood pressure closer to international guidelines. Improving documentation is important.

Figure 1. Association between HbA1c level and blood glucose lowering treatment. 

Table I. Mean and standard deviation (n=113) for HbA1c level, BMI, HDL, LDL, triglyserid, diastolic and systolic blood pressure over the years 2005, 2010 og 2015.

Table II. Proportion of participants (n=113) meeting international guidelines according to HbA1c level, BMI, HDL, LDL, triglyceride, diastolic and systolic blood pressure over the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.

Table III. Association between HbA1c level (n=113) and complications, smoking, physical exercising, gender, age, attendance to clinic and to dietician in the year 2015.

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