10. tbl. 96.árg. 2010
Case report: Seminal vesicle cyst with ipsilateral renal agenesis
Sjúkratilfelli. Fyrirferð í sáðblöðru hjá sjúklingi með eitt nýra
We describe a case of right seminal vesicle cyst with ipsilateral renal agenesis in a 25 year old male. The cyst caused severe pain syndrome with progressive perineal pain and pain on defecation and ejaculation. The cyst was surgically removed and the patient became asymtomatic.
Picture 1. The apperance of the left seminal vesicle is normal but on the right seminal vesicle has many abnormal and bulky vesicles.
Picture 2. This picture was taken intraoperatively. It shows the right seminal vesicle which has numeral small vesicles attached to it and the rudymentary ureter (arrow).