09. tbl 92. árg. 2006
Health Promotion in Pre-Schools in Reykjavík Risk Assessment in the Year 2000
Objective: The purpose of this research is to assess the work environment and compare with the well-being of employees of pre-schools.
Material and methods: Work environment of 16 pre-schools was assessed by a specialist in ergonomics and a questionnaire on work environment and health. Based on the ergonomic assessment the schools were classified into four groups. This was then compared to the results from the questionnaire.
Results: About 90% of the employees (n=320) returned the questionnaire and the ergonomic workplace assessment was done before the results from the questionnaire were processed. Substantial job-satisfaction characterizes the work done in the pre-schools, more so in the smaller schools, where the physical work environment is worse, but the employees are older and more likely to have professional background for the job. In contrast job satisfaction was less where the objective physical work environment was better. Strain symptoms were least apparent among the younger employees, who had the best work environment. About half of the employees had received instructions about work positions and reported that such was useful. Noise was over limits in most of the assessments and the employees reported in 80% of such incidents had the noise caused discomfort in the past month. Work positions close to the floor were quite common regardless of other circumstances among the employees.
Conclusion: Work environment in pre-schools is characterized by substantial physical and mental strain. Despite of that it is also characterized by substantial work satisfaction, indicating that work satisfaction is not a sign per se of good work environment.
Correspondance: Ágústa Guðmarsdóttir,
Læknablaðið 2006; 92: 599-607