03. tbl. 91. árg. 2005
Results of Macula Hole Surgery in Iceland 1996-2002
Læknablaðið 2005; 91: 243-7
Objective: To evaluate retrospectively the results of macular hole surgery in Iceland 1996-2002.
Material and methods: 25 patients underwent macular hole surgery in this time period. Data was obtained from hospital records of all those patients. Best corrected vision vas measured before and after surgery. The staging of the macular hole was evaluated before surgery and anatomical closure after surgery was recorded. Any adjuvants used during the operation were noted, and determined if there were any differences in outcomes depending on which adjuvants were used.
Results: After one operation the anatomical success was 72% and 79% after two surgeries. Visual acuity improved ?2 lines on the Snellen card in 11 of 29 eyes (38%); vision stayed the same (did not imrove or get worse of more then ?2 lines) in 16 of 29 eyes (55%), and deteriorated ?2 lines in two of 29 eyes (7%). There were no significant clinical differences in which adjuvant therapy was used.
Conclusions: Anatomical success of macular hole surgery in Iceland was comparable with results in foreign studies. The visual outcome was significally better after surgery, but those results were not as good as in foreign studies.