07/08. tbl 92. árg. 2006


Screening for colorectal cancer Collaboration among politicians and scientists is necessary

Skimun fyrir krabbameini í ristli og endaþarmi. Samvinna milli stjórnmálamanna og vísindamanna er nauðsynleg

Læknablaðið 2006; 92: 519-22

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the western world. It is especially common in the Nordic countries.

In many of the European countries and in the United States colonoscopy is recommended as a screening procedure for CRC. However, there are no randomized studies of the effects of the method on incidence, mortality, possible complications or negative effects on the population. Public pressure to have screening for CRC with colonoscopy will probably increase heavily in the next years to come. We fear that colonoscopy will be introduced as a screening method without proper scientific support. Therefore we want to argue for a common Nordic randomized study on population screening with colonoscopy.


Greinin er birt samtímis í Läkartidningen, Ugeskrift for læger og Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening.

Við gerð þessa handrits var stuðst við grein eftir Geir Hoff og Michael Bretthauer (14). Handritið er víða endurunnið og breytt og sérstaklega aðlagað íslenskum aðstæðum.

Þetta vefsvæði byggir á Eplica