05. tbl 92. árg. 2006


Organising pneumonia in connection with Amiodarone treatment. Case reports-and review

Trefjavefslungnabólga tengd notkun lyfsins amíódarón Sjúkratilfelli og yfirlit

Læknablaðið 2006; 92: 385-8

Objective: The objective of the study was to describe case reports of organising pneumonia in Iceland induced by the drug amiodarone.

Material and methods: Retrospective study where information was obtained from clinical charts from 1984-2003. Medical records, imaging studies and histopathology were re-evaluated.

Results: Described are three case reports of organising pneumonia associated with amiodarone use in two males and one female. Diagnostic methods and treatment are described and current literature is discussed.

Conclusions: It is important for physicians to be aware of lung changes that amiodarone can cause and the importance of monitoring these patients.

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