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o Ólafur Ó. Guðmundsson, Prendergast M, Foreman D, Cowley S
Outcome of pseudoseizures in children and adolescents: a 6-year symptom survival analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol 200; 43: 547-51.
o Helga Ágústa Sigurjónsdóttir, Leifur Franzson, Manhem K, Jóhann Ragnarsson, Gunnar Sigurðsson
Liqurice-induced rise in blood pressure: a linear dose-response relationship. J Hum Hypertension 2001; 15: 549-52.
o Borch K, Grodzinsky E, Petersson F, Jönsson K-Å, Mårdh S, Trausti Valdimarsson
Prevalence of coeliac disease and relations to Helicobacter pylori infection and duodenitis in a Swedish adult population sample: a histomorphological and serological survey. Inflammopharmacology 2001; 8: 341-50.
o Ólafur Ó. Guðmundsson, Prendergast M, Foreman D, Cowley S
Outcome of pseudoseizures in children and adolescents: a 6-year symptom survival analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol 200; 43: 547-51.
o Helga Ágústa Sigurjónsdóttir, Leifur Franzson, Manhem K, Jóhann Ragnarsson, Gunnar Sigurðsson
Liqurice-induced rise in blood pressure: a linear dose-response relationship. J Hum Hypertension 2001; 15: 549-52.
o Borch K, Grodzinsky E, Petersson F, Jönsson K-Å, Mårdh S, Trausti Valdimarsson
Prevalence of coeliac disease and relations to Helicobacter pylori infection and duodenitis in a Swedish adult population sample: a histomorphological and serological survey. Inflammopharmacology 2001; 8: 341-50.