11. tbl. 109. árg. 2023

Pneumococcal meningitis in children in Iceland – case report and summary

Heilahimnubólga hjá börnum á Íslandi af völdum pneumókokka • Sjúkratilfelli og yfirlit •


Jens Stensrud1

Óskar Örn Óskarsson1

Helga Erlendsdóttir2

Valtýr Stefánsson Thors1,3

1Children´s Hospital, Landspitali, Reykjavik 2Department of Clinical Microbiology, Landspitali, Reykjavik. 3University of Iceland, Medical Division.

Correspondence: Jens Stensrud, jensg@landspitali.is

Key words: Meningitis, Pneumococcus, PCV-15.

An eleven month old girl was referred to the pediatric emergency department at Landspitali Hospital due to fever and lethargy. On examination she was acutely ill with fluctuating level of conciousness. She deteriorated quickly after arrival at the emergency department and was diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis. In the past year several cases of bacterial meningitis have been diagnosed with Streptococcus pneumoniae as the most common pathogen. The disease causing serotypes have been serotypes that were not in the vaccine that was used in iceland and the Icelandic health authorities have decided to change the vaccination programme accordingly.


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