9. tbl. 107. árg. 2021

Ablation of ganglionated plexi to treat symptomatic parasympathetic induced atrioventricular block

Annarrar gráðu gáttasleglarof orsakað af parasympatískri örvun meðhöndlað með brennsluaðgerð

Correspondence: Sigfús Örvar Gizurarson, sigfusgiz@gmail.com

Key words: Cardioneuroablation, Atrioventricular block, Syncope, Arrhythmia

According to clinical guidelines a symptomatic atrioventricular block (AV block) is treated with a pacemaker. For young individuals such a therapy can be difficult due to possible long term complications such as infections, lead disruptions and pacemaker induced cardiomyopathy. We describe a twenty year old man with recurrent syncopes due to intermittent parasympathetic caused AV block of grade 2. The patient underwent cardioneuroablation where parasympathetic ganglia in the right atrium were ablated. After the procedure the PR interval normalized. This procedure has never been performed in Iceland before and there is a limited amount of case reports in the literature.

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