Scientific programme - doctors
27th Congress of the Scandinavian
Association of Urology
June 10th-13th, 2009
Scientific program - Doctors
Wednesday, June 10th 2009
08:30-12:00 COURSE I Best practice in lower urinary tract dysfunction
Hall A
08:30-08:40 Introduction: Ilkka Perttilä, Finland
08:40-09:35 LUTS secondary to benign prostatic enlargement
Chair: Guðmundur Geirsson, Iceland
08:40-09:05 Assessment: Lars Malmberg, Sweden
09:05-09:35 Treatment and follow up: Poul Chr Frimodt-Møller, Denmark
09:35-11:00 Neurogenic LUTD after spinal cord lesion
Chair: Jens Sönksen, Denmark
09:35-10:00 Understanding the neurogenic bladder ? Assessment of bladder function after spinal cord injury and continued monitoring
of urinary tract function: Elisabeth Farrelly, Sweden
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:00 Surgical treatments in neurogenic bladder: Hans Jørgen Kirkeby, Denmark
11:00-11:50 Stress urinary incontinence after prostate surgery
Chair: Per Espen Låhne, Norway
11:00-11:25 Assessment: Trygve Talseth, Norway
11:25-11:50 Treatment and follow up: Ossi Lindell, Finland
11:50-12:00 Concluding remarks: Ilkka Perttilä, Finland
12:00-13:00 Lunch
08:30-12:00 COURSE II Laparoscopic urology
Hall B
08:30-08:35 Introduction: Peter Elfving, Sweden
08:35-09:30 Advanced urologic laparoscopy
Chair: Nicolai Wessel, Denmark
- Laparoscopic prostatectomy - The learning curve: Christopher Eden, UK
- Laparoscopic prostatectomy - The technique: Michael Häggman, Sweden
- Laparoscopic vs. Robotic assisted prostatectomy: Thomas Jiborn, Sweden
- Robotassisted cystectomy - The technique: Magnus Annerstedt, Denmark
- Panel discussion
09:30-10:00 Basic urologic laparoscopy
Chair: Harry Nisén, Finland
- Suitable procedures to start with: Peter Elfving, Sweden
- Tips and tricks - Panel
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:15 The laparoscopic headache
Chair: Christopher Eden, UK
- Complications - The chamber of horrors: Mark Sullivan, UK
- Monitoring of outcome: Henning Olsen, Denmark
- Panel discussion
11:15-12:00 - Education - Experience from MIUC/Denmark: Lars Lund, Denmark
- NUF-lap - an option? Nordic cooperation: Peter Elfving, Sweden
- Panel discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-17:20 COURSE III Kidney cancer, new concepts in management
Hall A
Chair: Börje Ljungberg, Sweden
13:00-13:10 Overview of renal cell carcinoma: Börje Ljungberg, Sweden
13:10-13:25 Staging and prognosis in renal cell carcinoma: Tómas Guðbjartsson, Iceland
13:25-14:30 Small primary renal tumours
13:25-13:40 Small renal cell carcinoma. - Innocent tumours?: Stina Erikson; Sweden
13:40-13:55 Open surgery of small renal cell carcinoma: Mirja Ruutu, Finland
13:55-14:10 Laparoscopic nephron sparing surgery: Nicolai Wessel, Norway
14:10-14:20 Radio frequency ablation: David Lyrdal, Sweden
14:20-14:30 Cryoablative therapy: Lars Lund, Denmark
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16:05 Large renal cell carcinomas
15:00-15:20 Surgical strategy of open nephrectomy - large renal cell carcinoma: Einar Brekkan, Iceland/Sweden
15:20-15:35 Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: Peter Elfving, Sweden
15:35-15:45 Hand-assisted laparoscopic kidney surgery: Harry Nisén, Finland
15:45-16:05 Discussion
16:05-17:20 Advanced and metastatic renal cell carcinoma
16:05-16:15 Cytoreductive nephrectomy and metastasectomy: Sven Lundstam, Sweden
16:15-16:25 Adjuvant therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma: Georg Bjarnason, Iceland/Canada
16:25-16:40 Advances in systemic therapy for renal cell carcinoma. What?s in there for the urologist?: Ásgerdur Sverrisdóttir, Iceland
16:40-17:20 Case presentations and discussion - Panel
13:00-17:00 COURSE IV Genital reconstructive surgery
Hall B
Chair: Wiking Månsson, Sweden
13:00-13:45 Hypospadia and the hypospadia cripple: Aivar Bracka, UK
13:45-14:15 Modern treatment of bladder extrophy, the genital challenge: Göran Läckgren, Sweden
14:15-14:45 Peyronies disease, treatment options. - Methods and outcome: Trygve Talseth, Norway
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
Chair: Eiríkur Jónsson, Iceland
15:00-15:45 Priapism - A urological challenge: Olof Jonsson, Sweden
15:45-16:30 Erectile dysfunction. - Surgical treatment: Duncan J Summerton, UK
16:30-17:00 Penile cancer, preservation and reconstruction: Aivar Bracka, UK
Thursday, June 11th 2009
Hall A&B
08:30-09:00 Opening of the congress
- Guðjón Haraldsson, President NUF 2009
- Sigurður Guðmundsson, Dean of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Iceland
09:00-14:10 State of the art lectures
Chair: Guðmundur Geirsson, Iceland
09:00-09:30 Genealogy and GU cancer: Kári Stefánsson, Iceland
09:30-10:00 Genetic markers for prostate. - Clinical implication: Ola Bratt, Sweden
10:00-10:30 Coffee break and poster viewing
10:30-11:00 Prostate cancer. - Screening, overview: Gunnar Aus, Sweden
11:00-11:30 Prostate cancer. - Non-surgical approach, watchful waiting/diet: Antti Rannikko, Finland
11:30-12:00 Prostate cancer. - Radical treatment: Knud Pedersen, Denmark
12:00-13:30 Lunch and poster viewing
Hall H&I: Photocure lunch symposium
Hall D: Presidium meeting
13:30-13:50 Chronic pelvic pain in men, clinical update: Hans Hedilin, Sweden
13:50-14:10 Chronic pelvic pain in women, clinical update: Ýr Logadóttir, Iceland/Sweden
14:10-16:34 SESSION I - Free papers 5+3 min
Chair: Rafn Hilmarsson, Iceland/Sweden, and Ola Bratt, Sweden
14:10 01 Initial management of prostate cancer: First year experience of extended registration within the Norwegian
National Prostate Cancer Registry (NoPCR)
E Hernes, E Hem, A Kyrdalen, R Kvåle, O Klepp, K Axcrona, SD Fosså
14:18 02 Tumour negative prostate biopsies prior to later cancer diagnosis and radical prostatectomy
C Gade, MM Mortensen, M Borre
14:26 03 Perineal biopsies of the prostate in patients with previous negative biopsies
M Dimmen, K Axcrona, B Brennhovd
14:34 04 Extended pelvic lymphadenectomy for prostate cancer: Results and complications
C Lindberg, M Annerstedt, S Gudjonsson, R Hilmarsson, O Bratt
14:42 05 Robot-assisted pelvic lymph node dissection in prostate cancer
W Soller, T Jiborn, G Ahlgren, P Elfving, A Bjartell
14:50 06 Outcome following open versus robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
M Borre
15:00-15:30 Coffee break and poster viewing
15:30 07 Will robotic radical prostatectomy really do better than retropubic radical prostatectomy regarding morbidity?
AD Seyer-Hansen, S Skou, M Borre, T Lynnerup, KV Pedersen
15:38 08 Mortality rate after retropubic radical prostatectomy
HO Beisland, E Servoll, L Vlatkovic, T Sæter, G Waaler
15:46 09 Tertiary Gleason pattern is a predictor of PSA-relapse after radical prostatectomy
E Servoll, L Vlatkovic, T Sæter, G Waaler, HO Beisland
15:54 10 The oncological outcome and preoperative prediction of pT3 prostate cancer patients
M Mortensen, B Ulhøi, M Borre
16:02 11 Decreased seeds migration with Mick-applicated Loose 125I-seeds in prostate brachytherapy
M Højgaard, AA Jassem, N Nørgaard, K Andersen, KJ Mikines
16:10 12 A phase III study of endocrine treatment with or without radiotherapy in locally advanced or high-risk localized
prostate cancer
SD Fosså on behalf of participants in SPCG-7/SFUO-3
16:18 13 The CASODEX EPC program – 10 years of follow-up
P Iversen, D McLeod, M Wirth, W See, T Morris
16:26 14 Efficacy and safety of degarelix vs. leuprolide in a 12-month, randomised, phase III study
P Iversen, TK Olesen, B-E Persson
16:34-16:39 Break - 5 min
16:39-17:35 SESSION II - Free papers 5+3 min
Chair: Börje Lungberg, Sweden, and Baldvin Kristjánsson, Iceland
16:39 15 PVP with 120W Greenlight laser in the treatment of patients with BPH on anticoagulants
G Piotrowicz, H Zielinski, R Jedynak
16:47 16 Plasma button electrode vaporization of the prostate – short term outcome and complications
M Højgaard, L Fahrenkrug, J Schou
16:55 17 Development of UTI after TURP; Indwelling urinary catheters as risk factors
M Cek, P Tenke, K Naber, KV Pedersen, TEB Johansen on behalf of the GPIU*-investigators and the board of ESIU
17:03 18 Hypoxia-inducible factor-1amRNA and protein levels in renal cell carcinoma
A Lidgren, A Bergh, K Grankvist, G Lindh, B Ljungberg
17:11 19 Is laparoscopic-assisted cryablation for renal cancer safe and nefronsparing?
L Lund, M Jønler, LJ Petersen, J Abrahamsen
17:19 20 Early pulmonary metastases in renal cell carcinoma. - Prevalence and operability
SJ Oddsson, S Hardarson, V Petursdottir, E Jonsson, H Vidarsdottir, GV Einarsson, T Gudbjartsson
17:27 21 Incidental detection of renal cell carcinoma is an independent prognostic marker – Results of a long term whole
population study
HB Palsdottir, S Hardarson, V Petursdottir, A Jonsson, E Jonsson, GV Einarsson, T Gudbjartsson
Friday June 12th 2009
Hall A&B
08:30-14:00 State of the art lectures
Chair: Eiríkur Jónsson, Iceland
08:30-09:00 Current status of systemic therapy for metastatic renal cell cancer: Georg Bjarnason, Iceland/Canada
09:00-09:30 Reconstructive urology in Lund. - Many successes but some failures: Wiking Månsson, Sweden
09:30-10:00 Radical prostatectomy in 2009 - The emperor‘s new clothes: Cristhopher Eden, UK
10:00-10:30 Coffee break and poster viewing
10:30-12:00 General Assembly
12:00-13:30 Lunch and poster viewing / Astellas lunch symposium
Hall E
12:00-16:00 SPCG-group meeting
Hall A&B
13:30-14:00 Searching for eternal youth:
Þorsteinn Gíslason, Iceland
14:00-15:04 SESSION III - Free papers 5+3 min
Chair: Ársæll Kristjánsson, Iceland, and Markku Leskinen, Finland
14:00 22 Behaviour-oriented questionnaire on cognitive function among testicular cancer patients
J Skoogh, G Steineck, A Wallin, M Gatz, B Johansson
14:08 23 The importance of stone size, location and JJ-stents in relation to ESWL of renal calculi
T Nielsen, JB Jensen
14:16 24 Face, content and construct validity of a VR simulation model for training in TURP
R Källström, H Hjertberg, J Svanvik
14:24 25 An international survey of laparoscopic training program during residency: simulation versus clinical
L Lund, A Dubrowski, DS Herrell, K Kijvikai, H Carnahan
14:32 26 Iatrogenic injuries to the ureter and bladder. - A follow-up of a large series
S Göthe, R Peeker
14:40 27 Vibratory ejaculation in 169 spinal cord injured men and home insemination of their partners
J Sønksen, D Lîchner-Ernst, N Brackett, D Ohl, C Lynne
14:48 28 Effects of repeated botulinum toxin therapy in neurogenic detrusor overactivity
V Karadzic, L Malmberg
14:56 29 The very first voidings in life: Urinary flow pattern in premature boys
Olsen L.H., Grothe I., Rawashdeh Y.F. & Jørgensen T.M.
15:04-15:30 Coffee break and poster viewing
15:30-17:04 SESSION IV - Free papers 5+3 min
Chair: Alexander Schultz, Norway, and Jukka Sairanen, Finland
15:30 30 Orthotopic bladder substitutes at 12 months: Which is the best?
I Paananen, P Ohtonen, I Perttilä, O Jonsson, C Edlund, P Wiklund, B Ljungberg, KM Jensen, E Jonsson, W Månsson
15:38 31 Continent cutaneous urinary diversion with a right colonic reservoir: Long-term follow-up
HV Holm, T Talseth, A Schultz
15:46 32 Modified Indiana pouch with umbilical stoma
R Hofmann, P Olbert, A Hegele, A Schrader
15:54 33 Urostomy and quality of life in patients with lower urinary tract dysfunction
A Schultz, B Boye, O Jonsson, P Thind, W Månsson
16:02 34 Extended lymph node dissection in patients with urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: Can it make a difference?
T Davidsson, M Holmer, P-O Bendahl, S Gudjonsson, W Månsson, F Liedberg
16:10 35 Size and volume of metastatic and non-metastatic lymph nodes in radical cystectomy
JB Jensen, BP Ulhøi, K M-E Jensen
16:18 36 PUNLMP – How low is “low malignant potential“?
T Maigaard, BP Ulhøi, K Zieger
16:26 37 Expression of Maspin and Cathepsin E predict progression in pTa and pT1 bladder cancer
N Fristrup, L Dyrskjøt, TF Ørntoft, BP Ulhøi, M Borre
16:34 38 FGFR3 – another Janus-protein?
R Røtterud, A Svindland, R Wahlquist
16:42 39 Organ-sparing treatment of upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma (UUTTCC)
M Brehmer, C Malm
16:50 40 Enterocystoplasty in patients with detrusor over activity - long term follow up
OJ Nilsen, Aa Andersen, CM Solend, A Schultz
16:58 41 Urine and kidney cytokine profiles in experimental unilateral hydronephrosis
MG Madsen, R Nørregaard, JH Christensen, J Frøkiër, TM Jørgensen
POSTERS will be available for viewing during the congress times
42 Decisional conflict and distress in Icelandic prostate cancer survivors
LA Gunnell, S Ágústsdóttir, J Smári, HB Valdimarsdóttir
43 Demographic and medical factors are related to distress among prostate cancer survivors
SÓ Lárusdóttir, Á Kristinsdóttir, K Jónsdóttir, S Ágústsdóttir, J Smári, HB Valdimarsdóttir
44 Active surveillance, an alternative treatment option for early prostate cancer: hort-term results of the
Finnish arm of the PRIAS study
H Vasarainen, A Rannikko
45 Anesthesia and prostate biopsy
R Zare
46 Control of prostate cancer by salvage high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment
V Berge, E Baco, SJ Karlsen
47 HIFU treatment as primary treatment of localized prostate cancer
V Berge, E Baco, SJ Karlsen
48 Captopril may reduce PSA-relapse after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
YH Wang, G Frithz, T Lindeborg, G Ronquist G
49 Bisphosphonate (Zoledronic acid) induced osteonecrosis of the jaw
A Haidar, M Jønler, TB Folkmar, L Lund
50 Renal cell carcinoma diagnosed at autopsy in Iceland 1971-2005
A Jonsson, S Hardarson, V Petursdottir, HB Palsdottir, E Jonsson, GV Einarsson, T Gudbjartsson
51 Pulmonary metastasis due to renal cell carcinoma - How many could benefit from surgery?
SJ Oddsson, S Hardarson, V Petursdottir, E Jonsson, GV Einarsson, T Gudbjartsson
52 Cryoablation of small renal tumors – complications and oncological outcome
U Møldrup, J Solvig, TEB Johansen, Ø Østraat
53 Our experiences in laparoscopic simple and radical nephrectomy
S Sozen, B Kupeli, I Ure, S Gurocak, I Bozkirli
54 Retrograde endopyelotomy in a selected population with ureteropelvic junction obstruction
NM Stilling, HU Jung, B N?rby, SS Osther, PJS Osther
55 A case of robotic retroperitoneoscopic pyeloplasty in a duplex kidney
YF Rawashdeh, LH Olsen, TM Jørgensen
56 Procalcitonine in diagnostics and therapy of acute pyelonephritis
P Nencka, R Zachoval, V Vik, V Borovicka, J Granatova
57 Renal axis: Another anatomical factor leading lower caliceal stone formation
U Karaoglan, B Kupeli, C Acar, S Gurocak, I Bozkirli
58 Stone clearance after shockwave lithotripsy influenced by renal axis of kidney
B Kupeli, U Karaoglan, C Acar, S Gurocak, I Bozkirli
59 Aspects on the relation between diet and upper urinary tract stone disease
PJS Osther, SS Osther
60 Our experience with the continent neo-urachus
FE Martins, RN Rodrigues, AF Sandul, TM Lopes
61 Penile carcinoma: organ sparing surgery using disassembly technique
FE Martins, JP Marcelino, AF Sandul, TM Lopes
62 Martius flap and its island cutaneous variant in urethro-vaginal reconstruction
FE Martins, JP Marcelino, AF Sandul, TM Lopes
63 Single-stage perineal repair of panurethral stricture disease with buccal mucosa grafting
FE Martins, JP Marcelino, RN Rodrigues, AF Sandul, TM Lopes
64 Pelvic floor muscle training with and without functional electrical stimulation as a treatment of SUI
H Eyjólfsdóttir, M Ragnarsdóttir, G Geirsson
65 Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as prophylactic aid in recurrent bacterial cystitis
CU Skagemo, K Almendingen, A Blindheim, PE Låhne, GI Meling
66 Cannabis-induced priapism
J Bergqvist, K Mikines
Saturday June 13th 2009
09:00-10:00 Highlights and take home message - Closure of the meeting