Scientific programme - nurses
Scientific programme - Nurses
Wednesday, June 10th 2009
NB: The pre courses on Wednesday June 10th are open to all registered participants without any charge.
There are other courses in the doctors programme.
Chair: Hólmfríður Traustadóttir, Iceland
11:00-12:00 The Nordic Association Nurse Meeting
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Course in symptom management in advanced prostate cancer
Chair: Kristín Þorbergsdóttir, Iceland, and Sigríður Zoëga, Iceland
13:00-15:00 Symptom management in advanced prostate cancer: Pain, fatigue, constipation, oedema, cachexia, psychological effects of hormonal therapy, spinal compression and hypercalcemia
- Valgerður Sigurðardóttir, consultant in palliative care, Iceland
- Svandís Íris Hálfdánardóttir, clinical nurse specialist in palliative care, Iceland
- Kristín Lára Ólafsdóttir, RN, palliative care consulting team at Landspítali University Hospital, Iceland
Thursday, June 11th 2009
08:30-09:00 Opening of the congress
- Guðjón Haraldsson, President NUF 2009
- Sigurður Guðmundsson, Dean of the School of Health Sciences of the University of Iceland
09:00-10:00 Complimentary therapies
Chair: Brynja Ingadóttir, Iceland
09:00-09:30 Acupuncture in urology in general, and acupuncture in pelvic pain: Palle Rosted, Norway
09:30-10:00 Massage and relaxation in patient care: Þóra Jenný Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Sexual and voiding problems
Chair: Brynja Ingadóttir, Iceland
10:30-11:00 Matters of the heart - Discussing sexuality with patients: Jóna Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Iceland
11:00-11:30 Pelvic floor muscle training with or without electrical stimulation: Halldóra Eyjólfsdóttir, Iceland
11:30-12:00 Voiding school - a treatment option in the field of urology? Jannike Mohn, Norway
01 Longterm follow-up and quality of life among children and adolescents treated at a voiding school modality
J Mohn, A Bakke, B. Hanestad
12:00-13:30 Lunch / Photocure lunch symposium
13:30-14:45 Free papers
Chair: Herdís Sveinsdóttir, Iceland, and Katrín Blöndal, Iceland
13:30 02 Multidisciplinary development and planning of a new pain relief treatment for patients in connection with radical
prostatectomy and continuous development of nursing for this group of patients
T Hareskov Lauridsen, B Lund-Nielsen
13:45 03 Urinary continence after radical prostatectomy ? influence by the surgical method
A-D Seyer-Hansen, GM Hvistendahl, C Graugaard-Jensen, KV Pedersen, S Skou
14:00 04 The influence of intrusive thoughts and social constraints in maintaining quality of life after prostate cancer diagnosis
ThK Thorsteinsdóttir, J Stranne, S Ágústsdóttir, H Valdimarsdóttir, G Steineck
14:15 05 Carbohydrate drink vs. fasting after prostatectomy and nephrectomy
B-I Dahlin, B Ljungberg
14:30 06 How well can outflow obstruction and bladder overactivity be predicted by a clinical evaluation in men with LUTS
M Fehrling
14:45-15:10 Coffee break
15:10-17:05 Poster presentation
15:10 Chair: Herdís Sveinsdóttir, Iceland, and Katrín Blöndal, Iceland
07 Follow up and new nursing initiatives towards patients with continence problems as a result
of radical removal of the prostate
S Soenderby, H Bro
15:15 08 Pelvic floor rehabilitation treatment for post-prostatectomy incontinence
B Pedersen, H Bech Jørgensen, B Schantz Laursen
15:20 09 Nurse-supported telephone calls to men after Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy surgery
A Hägglund, J Svens
15:25 10 Nurses Outpatient Clinic for Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Patient acceptance and satisfaction
B Bonfils-Rasmussen, G Smidt, B Vendelbo, A Ladegaard Persson, P Klarskov
16:30 11 Music during surgery in spinal anesthesia
A Gísladóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir
16:35 12 Avoiding complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy. ? A multidisciplinary team approach
I Bendixen, L Rytter, SS Osther, PJS Osther
16:40 Poster viewing
Friday June 12th 2009
08:30-10:00 Evidence based practice
Chair: Þorsteinn Jónsson, Iceland
08:30-09:00 Evidence based practice: Do nurses have what it takes?: Hrund Sch Thorsteinsson, Iceland
09:00-09:30 Development and implementation of clinical practice guidelines on distress management in cancer care:
Sigríður Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland
09:30-10:00 Where to find EB information: Major sources and which ones to use to answer different kinds of clinical questions:
Elín Björg Héðinsdóttir, Iceland
10:00-10:30 Coffee break and poster viewing
10:30-12:00 Symptoms and quality of life
Chair: Þorsteinn Jónsson, Iceland
10:30-11:00 Experiences of patients having elective urological surgery at Landsp°tali University Hospital: During hospital stay and at
home six weeks post-discharge: Herdís Sveinsdóttir, Iceland
11:00-11:30 Quality of Life of Patients with Prostate Cancer: Sigríður Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland
11:30-12:00 Decisional conflict among prostate cancer survivors in Iceland: Sjöfn Ágústdóttir, Iceland
12:00-13:30 Lunch / Astellas lunch symposium
13:30-14:00 Searching for eternal youth: Þorsteinn Gíslason, Iceland
14:00-14:45 Closing session of the nurses program
Chair: Sigríður Zoëga, Iceland, and Kristín Þorbergsdóttir, Iceland
14:00-14:30 Is nursing leadership important for healthcare?: Lilja Stefánsdóttir, Iceland
14:00-14:45 Introduction to NUF in Finland 2011
POSTERS will be available for viewing during the congress times in halls H & I
Saturday June 13th 2009
09:00-10:00 Highlights and take home message - Closure of the meeting