Welcome address
Welcome address
Dear colleagues, other participants and guests.
On behalf of the Scientific Committees, we sincerely welcome you to the 27th Congress of the Scandinavian Association of Urology and Urological Nurses in Reykjavik.
We are incredibly honored to be hosting the NUF Congress here in Iceland for the third time. Four pre-congress courses will be offered in different fields of urology in collaboration with the specialists’ groups of the Association. Out of the 80 accepted abstracts, the majority will be given as oral presentations and the others will be offered in poster format. Specific times will be designated for authors to stand and represent their posters and to answer questions and discuss their work. A number of state-of-the-art lectures by leading experts will also be presented.
We would like to thank all speakers and authors for presenting their work at this meeting, thus contributing in a significant way to the quality of scientific exchange which will take place. Special thanks go to our congress secretary, Gunnhildur Jóhannsdóttir, for her outstanding contribution.
We hope this conference will be both enlightening and enjoyable for you and that you benefit from the best of what our country has to offer.
Guðmundur Geirsson, MD, PhD
Chairman of the Icelandic Urological Association